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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Cornell University College of Human Ecology, Class of 2010


Recap with my ED therapist


Wow it's already November... (Can't wait for Christmas!)

This week with Layla, we went through pros & cons of my eating disorder. We also talked about the return of my dad and the impact that would have on my recovery. Altos, we discovered that many of my listed cons are also acting as pros that actually drove my anorexia. 

I encourage all of you who are dealing with an ED to make a list. It can be a simple table that lists the Pros and the Cons of what your sickness is doing to you. How is it a separate entity and how is it sneaking its what into your daily life? 

Trust me, we all (healthy or not) have demons. Some people are born with physical impairments (deaf, blind...), some people have early balding, some people stutter, some people have major problems with food...  Your pros/cons list can be personal and will be unique. Try it out, you might write things out that you never even knew you felt or thought. Then try to go through your cons and see if maybe in some twisted way, you used something that you know is obviously "bad" for you because it made you more thin, or more cool, or more attractive, or more desirable... etc.

Anyways, I'm excited to spend more time with my friends as I discover more similarities and dissimilarities between myself and the people I call my friends. Alcohol seems to be a driving force in my social life and that really can't be a replacement for me eating disorder. But I need to find ways to distract me and grange the way I see my anorexia. My "pros" list must be replaced with a healthier alternative. Reading? Yoga? Meditation? Anything... I guess I'm willing to try anything at this point.

Cons of my Eating Disorder

I really wish eating wasn't such a damn struggle for me. Why am I cursed with this need to empty my system? I really need to control my disorder. I want to go through my rehab without deadly relapses. I'm destroying my future. I'm done with this demon. I need to unbind myself from the chains of this wrath and walk the steady and lit path of love, life, and God. How can I prove to myself that I do have self worth? How can I start to see myself as beautiful? I want to be able to see my reflection, regardless of size or shape, and admit to the world that I am okay and content with whatever I  can see, because I am healthy, happy, and blessed to be given life and all the foods & gifts in it. How long will it take for me to be able to do that?


  • it made me distant from the people I love
  • it allowed me to excuse myself from living life like a "normal" young adult
  • forced me to hurt my body, which is a gift from God and my parents that is meant to be guarded and treasured
  • made my eyes see a deception, and my true intellect was blinded by it
  • caused the people around me with genuine love for me to worry and become scared for my life
  • made the main focus of each day to plot out how to starve myself, not to plan for my school life or social agenda
  • made me a master at sneaking, lying, deceiving, plotting, hiding, and hurting...
  • made my forget how to be my true self
  • made me lose focus of the goals that I had planned and the dreams I wanted to pursue
  • forced me to harvest negativity, which made me weak and frail, but convinced me that it was strength & invincibility
  • made me see "thinness" as the ultimate sign of intelligence and dominance, when really, they are completely unrelated
  • made me lose track of the things that truly make me smile. (for so long, the only thing worth smiling about was self-starvation and dropping numbers on the scale)
  • made me see death as a beautiful thing, as something to work towards...

10.26.2009... and more.


I still feel lost, as if I'm walking beneath a shadow. I have forgotten how to please myself amidst the years of figuring out how to please others. 

Leaving home for college was my opportunity to escape the boundaries of childhood and prove my independence. Although I was obviously dependent on my parents financially, it was important to be able to show them that money was being invested in something bright and promising for the future.


I'm living in a renewed sense of constant fear. My body is rejecting food again, but I really must force it down and feed it. Breakfast (early) is the best time for my body to digest at its best state. But the fear of newfound intake eats away at me and my mind. Why am I plagued with this disease? If, I am without mental fears, will the physical symptoms go away? I suppose it's all in my head. I have a very powerful demon stuck in my head and soul.

I need to test my determination. My entire being depends on my ability to override this disease.

If I really want this to change, why can't I immediately conquer it? Only time will prove my gains and my failures. But everything now seems moving towards a black hole that is neither bright nor dark. I am constantly struggling. Where is all of my personal strife coming from?

Why can't I save myself? Where did the light in my heart go?


Recovery. It means I died or failed along the way... I need to "recover" from the fall that I've taken. Recovery is not an independent journey. Professions, mentors, friends, and family... I need as much support to fain *full* recovery. Wish is my only dream and goal at this point.

I will start using some personal stories of recovered patients that I can find online to guide me through this time. "Normal" is a subjective word that I must learn to re-define. As well, I must rediscover and resume my path to maturity post-eating disorder.

This next bit is by Aimee Lier reprinted in Eating Disorders Today (Winter '07, Vol 5, No. 1):
"Arrested Development", "delayed" or "hyper" maturity?
... Was on full speed for so long that physical stunting, becoming thin and "invisible" was a sure fire way to return to a state of lost childhood... 

I enjoyed my childhood while it lasted, but I rushed through it so far after my grandpa died that I never regained a security that can only be gained by going through life at each stage in steady time. So how do I turn back the clocks?

My body is telling me that my cards have already been turned and that now, respect is the name of the game. My body deserves respect. 

Again, lost track of time!

Sorry everyone, it seems like I have waves of when I blog and when I don't.
I've been keeping busy (as I'm sure you all have) which prevents me from keeping my blogging going at a constant rate. Anyhow, I have a few more past logs to write up. Keep tuned!


A Tribute to True Friends... (You know who you are)

Note: This particular post will be a continuous post that I intend on adding to periodically. Some things are timeless, like my friends and what they mean to me.

Over the test of time (and in my case, distance), the individuals who have played an immense role in my continuing recovery are still standing firm and loving. I need to pay tribute to them today...

EG: You are my Ithaca-Mom, and my steady source of love and unwavering courage. Since day one, you believed in me and never gave up or stood down. You saw my purest and true self when I was stuck in the muddy grime of my sickest point. You helped me smile a real smile and cry tears of joy when all I could see were clouds and smoke ahead of me. You are a friend for life and a part of my future forever... Let's be "ugly" together! Thank you...

G: My newfound friend and sister. A beautiful woman who has taught me the value of continuing to strive and leap towards sunshine in rainy days. My difficult hospital visits when I was in the acute phase of my treatment, receiving intravenous Mg shots and infusions would have been terrifying without you to text and talk to... So far so good! The distance has only brought us closer together. You never stopped connecting with me and reaching out - every fiber of my being cannot thank you enough for this. I love and care for you deeply.

J: My husband-to-be & fiancee! When will I get to hold you again and visit small town Starbucks and motels with you? Soon we will laugh hysterically at our immortal jokes and non-sensical comments. I miss your embrace dearly.

B & B - My twins, my friends, my rocks... we met on day 1 and somehow made it until today - but it is not the end! Not even close. Your prayers for my return to health are being heared and answered. I won't let you down and I wish you can forgive me for putting you through worries and pain. I wish you can forgive me for rejecting your help and be blind to the obvious need I was in for the attention you were throwing at me. My body and soul were longing to accept your love and care, but the demon in me made me push you aside. I did not deserve to have your beautiful souls in my life back then but I am on my hands and knees thanking God for binding our friendship more and more each day. I am so grateful girls. I wouldn't be alive without your support. Saying goodbye to you last summer was one of the most difficult times for me and I am so sorry for not being able to give you an answer to my departure at that time, but I hope you understand now. Perhaps time does heal all wounds? I can't wait to see you soon - keep smiling!

Car: You are the only person who has known of the roots of my sickness from its birth several (many) years ago. You are the only one I know I can turn to the way I confide in myself - we are bonded in that special way, aren't we? Our secrets, sorrows, worries, and joys are linked forever. This blog is dedicated to our life-long recovery and health. Let's, together, aim to see the stars in the sky again.

T: Our communication since my departure has been scare, but I continue to believe in our bond. Spread your wings and fly with me.

A: My wine sugar! Can we set a wine date soon? I miss your unique values and quirky congeniality - I have to thank you over and over and over again for keeping in touch with me with an abundance of optimism, hope, and laughs. I know I can count on your to turn my frown upside down. You have been a steady source of support that didn't judge me or reject me. How can I possibly thank you for that? (Maybe an expensive bottle of pinot grigio?) - I may hate horses, but I love, love, love you!

Thinking at Delaney's Cafe

I'm sitting in Delaney's cafe hoping to finally fine some peace of mind in order to write about my past month.

My dad has been away for a month now - he returns the day after tomorrow and this event will dramatically change the current flow in my life.

If I haven't already written about this, here I go...

I love my dad, I really do. He has done only the best of the best for me as his child. He has given me opportunities and gifts that most teenage female immigrants can only dream of (or see in Hollywood flicks). My list of gratitude towards him can go on for days...

But that is not my point.

He has been, in my opinion, blessed to have raised an adolescent daughter like me.

I never rebelled as a kid, never dwelled on the drinking and partying scene, never broke major rules, worked exceptionally hard in school, achieved commendable well-roundedness as a student (arts, athletics, academics, and community service), and excelled as a college applicant (got into renowned universities, 2 Ivy League institutions, attended Cornell on a scholarship).

But one day in August 2009, my dad (and mom) received a call from the health center at Cornell about the health status of their first born and only daughter. This call changed their lives forever.

I came home as a very sick young woman. Barely weighing 86 lbs on a 5'5" frame, bones jutting out at all angles, and at a fragile state of life... I was their broken doll.

Since my return and commencement of treatment, I can now see that my dad was practically beating himself to a pulp for blaming my life-threatening illness on himself. Several months ago, I thought he just couldn't leave me alone and was angry with me, angry at life... but it was all just a waterfall of emotions stemming from not understanding the situation at hand. He just wanted answers but had absolutely nowhere to turn.

Yet my dad has always had some problems of his own. As does any human being. His "aura" every day in our West Vancouver home is undeniably a negative burden on the rest of the us living under his roof. My brother and I have always been trapped by my dad. As kids, it was a cage defined by a fear of him and his voice. As I got older, the cage has only thickened because I never took the initiative to talk to him. (Why I never did...I will never know). I wasn't raised as a touchy-feeling, emotionally open, "I love you", express-your-feelings-and-hug-it-out kind of kid. But that is definitely not what caused my illness. Many families hold this dynamic but host healthy and happy individuals. But for me, this was a large part of my downfall and conflict with my dad.

Every day during my intensive recovery/treatment was part hell. Not only did I expend all of my energy on fighting my disorder, trying to banish it from my life and daily regime, but the negative environment I seemed to be caged in in my own home was nothing short of torture for me. I always prayed my dad would vacate my life and space so I could breathe some fresh air without him breathing down my back.

Layla called anorexia the "rebellion disorder" - She related my feelings and situation to what Suzie Orbach wrote about Princess Diana's identical illness (Orbach was Diana's therapist for anorexia). Poised during years in my adolescence when rebellion and defiance are natural and necessary, I (like Diana) finally burst out of a brittle shell and chose a destructive way to rebel. At least out bodies were under out own control. 

Now, with my dad returning, the re-balance of optimism and positive energy I have thus built up with my mom at home will be disturbed. Perhaps not broken, but it will definitely be altered.

My hope is that my progress in health and psychological control will prove to support the return of my dad and whatever new challenges that it may bring. I also pray my dad took his time away to reevaluate his thoughts and returns with high hopes and renewed spirit. 

My dad is like a giant child. His mind works in a mysterious way that even my mom (after almost 30 years of marriage) does not understand. I keep trying to manipulate it and bend it to my liking, but that is clearly not a solution. I need to learn to focus my goals and align it with his. What makes this slightly easier is the our end goals are the same, for me to return to full health and vivacious love of life. He always looks very far into the future and often fails to observe the events occurring in the present. All I want is for him to see the present situation and be able to evaluate that to his liking (or not). Then to tell me what he is thinking. Because my dad has an incredibly difficult time telling others about his feelings. He doesn't tell my mom, he doesn't tell his children, he locks it in his own soul and drowns in it. I don't want him to suffer, but I understand now that this is not something that I can change at my own will. I will be me. He will be him.

But the hope in my perseveres. When he returns, I can picture a new path in our lives being paved. I see it being a step up from where we left off. I can only hope.

Priorities, priorities...

March 8, 2010

I have really been working my (ass) off to go back to my old thriving, eager, goal-oriented self. I have taken on a full time job at Amadeo. It's a local bakehouse/cafe. I now work as a barista, server, cashier, and chef's helper. That's a lot of responsibilities, but overall, a very easy job. Also, I have been tutoring two students ages 7 & 10. I teach them English. I definitely have had my work cut out for me this past week. It was a busy week of teaching at 7:30am, then heading to Amadeo for 9am, then coming home around 7pm. As well, I am also continuing with my weekly medical appointments and E.D. therapy, but at the moment, I have no idea how I will start to juggle things into a comfortable (manageable) routine. I need to clearly organize, then continue blogging... I promise I won't delay my posts anymore like I have been. But the hype of the Vancouver Olympics in my own hometown was the belle-of-the-ball

I am currently reading Unbearable Weight by Susan Bordo.
It is an interesting take on women, the female body, feminism, and Western culture.