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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Cornell University College of Human Ecology, Class of 2010


A Tribute to True Friends... (You know who you are)

Note: This particular post will be a continuous post that I intend on adding to periodically. Some things are timeless, like my friends and what they mean to me.

Over the test of time (and in my case, distance), the individuals who have played an immense role in my continuing recovery are still standing firm and loving. I need to pay tribute to them today...

EG: You are my Ithaca-Mom, and my steady source of love and unwavering courage. Since day one, you believed in me and never gave up or stood down. You saw my purest and true self when I was stuck in the muddy grime of my sickest point. You helped me smile a real smile and cry tears of joy when all I could see were clouds and smoke ahead of me. You are a friend for life and a part of my future forever... Let's be "ugly" together! Thank you...

G: My newfound friend and sister. A beautiful woman who has taught me the value of continuing to strive and leap towards sunshine in rainy days. My difficult hospital visits when I was in the acute phase of my treatment, receiving intravenous Mg shots and infusions would have been terrifying without you to text and talk to... So far so good! The distance has only brought us closer together. You never stopped connecting with me and reaching out - every fiber of my being cannot thank you enough for this. I love and care for you deeply.

J: My husband-to-be & fiancee! When will I get to hold you again and visit small town Starbucks and motels with you? Soon we will laugh hysterically at our immortal jokes and non-sensical comments. I miss your embrace dearly.

B & B - My twins, my friends, my rocks... we met on day 1 and somehow made it until today - but it is not the end! Not even close. Your prayers for my return to health are being heared and answered. I won't let you down and I wish you can forgive me for putting you through worries and pain. I wish you can forgive me for rejecting your help and be blind to the obvious need I was in for the attention you were throwing at me. My body and soul were longing to accept your love and care, but the demon in me made me push you aside. I did not deserve to have your beautiful souls in my life back then but I am on my hands and knees thanking God for binding our friendship more and more each day. I am so grateful girls. I wouldn't be alive without your support. Saying goodbye to you last summer was one of the most difficult times for me and I am so sorry for not being able to give you an answer to my departure at that time, but I hope you understand now. Perhaps time does heal all wounds? I can't wait to see you soon - keep smiling!

Car: You are the only person who has known of the roots of my sickness from its birth several (many) years ago. You are the only one I know I can turn to the way I confide in myself - we are bonded in that special way, aren't we? Our secrets, sorrows, worries, and joys are linked forever. This blog is dedicated to our life-long recovery and health. Let's, together, aim to see the stars in the sky again.

T: Our communication since my departure has been scare, but I continue to believe in our bond. Spread your wings and fly with me.

A: My wine sugar! Can we set a wine date soon? I miss your unique values and quirky congeniality - I have to thank you over and over and over again for keeping in touch with me with an abundance of optimism, hope, and laughs. I know I can count on your to turn my frown upside down. You have been a steady source of support that didn't judge me or reject me. How can I possibly thank you for that? (Maybe an expensive bottle of pinot grigio?) - I may hate horses, but I love, love, love you!

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