About Me

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Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Cornell University College of Human Ecology, Class of 2010


Today is a new day

I should have started this blog a long time ago. Journaling my life from the day I started my process of recovery. Maybe all of my confusion would have been easier to account if I had written for an online audience. Especially young women and men out in the world who are looking for someone to understand and someone to help them through their own darkness and confusion. If you are going through the turmoils of a disability or disease like my anorexia, I hope you follow this blog and start your own journal.

I have been keeping a fairly limited journal full of entries since the summer of 2009 when I decided to come back home to Vancouver to seek treatment. I need to readdress those thoughts and words on this blog for others looking for a way to read and escape their own troubles and hopefully find the courage to seek help of their own. It was the hardest thing I have had to do; leave school to take a break from my past life and go into full time care and treatment. But this time away from school has given my the inspiration to start a new life full of happiness, love and peace. I am still paving the grounds for my future, and I still seem to make plenty of mistakes each day, but today is a new day. Today is a new day. Every morning is a new morning.

1 comment:

  1. How brave and smart you are to write this out. Naming our "demons" is part of conquering them. I hope you realize that we all love you for your spirit. Your spirit has no weight, no test scores, no successes. Your spirit is the light within you. Let it shine.

