About Me

My photo
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Cornell University College of Human Ecology, Class of 2010


Onwards to June

Last post in the 2nd week of May? Unbelievable. I really need to post more often. But Until my MCAT is written and over with on June 17th, then my summer truly starts.

Did I write that I am planning on moving to France next year? For 2011? I'll have to write about all the gaps between...


The Summer Season

What is it about summer that makes me want to jump out of bed and start the morning with a huge grin on my face? I must be a person who is seriously affected by the seasons and weather because when it hits May, I become a different person.

What to say, what to say... I wish I had more time to blog more thoroughly about my ED recovery process, but I can say that without a doubt, summer-time will make me a better person (even better!). I'll post more soon, but now? Bed time!

Long time...

It has been way too long. I will begin posting again very soon! Thanks for keeping up.